Waltham’s Evelyn Sears was a leader in the powerful anti-suffrage movement in Massachusetts.
Boston Globe, April 4, 1913.

Sadly, some suffragists compromised their own values and beliefs to win over anti-suffragists (male and female).
Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College.

Women won over influential men in private conversations about shared causes such as world peace.
Pro-suffrage women like Helen Keller and Robert Treat Paine’s daughter Ethel were dedicated pacifists. Woman’s Journal, May 16, 1896, p. 156. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University.

Workers trust fellow workers like labor leader Mary Kenney O'Sullivan to look out for their best interest.
[1915-1917], Ann Lewis Women’s Suffrage Collection. From the collection of Ann Lewis and Mike Sponder.